Source code for guitarpro.models

from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from fractions import Fraction
from functools import partial
from math import log
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import attr

__all__ = [
    'GPException', 'RepeatGroup', 'Clipboard', 'KeySignature', 'Song',
    'LyricLine', 'Lyrics', 'Point', 'Padding', 'HeaderFooterElements',
    'PageSetup', 'MidiChannel', 'DirectionSign', 'Tuplet', 'Duration',
    'TimeSignature', 'TripletFeel', 'MeasureHeader', 'Color', 'Marker',
    'TrackSettings', 'Track', 'GuitarString', 'MeasureClef', 'LineBreak',
    'Measure', 'VoiceDirection', 'Voice', 'BeatStrokeDirection', 'BeatStroke',
    'SlapEffect', 'BeatEffect', 'TupletBracket', 'BeatDisplay', 'Octave',
    'BeatStatus', 'Beat', 'HarmonicEffect', 'NaturalHarmonic',
    'ArtificialHarmonic', 'TappedHarmonic', 'PinchHarmonic', 'SemiHarmonic',
    'GraceEffectTransition', 'Velocities', 'GraceEffect', 'TrillEffect',
    'TremoloPickingEffect', 'SlideType', 'Fingering', 'NoteEffect', 'NoteType',
    'Note', 'Chord', 'ChordType', 'Barre', 'ChordAlteration', 'ChordExtension',
    'PitchClass', 'MixTableItem', 'WahEffect', 'MixTableChange',
    'BendType', 'BendPoint', 'BendEffect', 'RSEMasterEffect', 'RSEEqualizer',
    'Accentuation', 'RSEInstrument', 'TrackRSE',

[docs]class GPException(Exception): pass
class LenientEnum(Enum): """Enum subclass that doesn't have invalid members.""" @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value): pseudo_member = object.__new__(cls) pseudo_member._name_ = 'unknown' pseudo_member._value_ = value return pseudo_member def __eq__(self, other): if (self.__class__ is other.__class__ and self._name_ == other._name_ == 'unknown'): return self._value_ == other._value_ return super().__eq__(other) def hashableAttrs(cls=None, repr=True): """A fully hashable attrs decorator. Converts unhashable attributes, e.g. lists, to hashable ones, e.g. tuples. """ if cls is None: return partial(hashableAttrs, repr=repr) decorated = attr.s(cls, hash=True, repr=repr, auto_attribs=True) origHash = decorated.__hash__ def hash_(self): toEvolve = {} for field in attr.fields(self.__class__): value = getattr(self, if isinstance(value, (list, set)): new_value = tuple(value) toEvolve[] = new_value newSelf = attr.evolve(self, **toEvolve) return origHash(newSelf) decorated.__hash__ = hash_ return decorated
[docs]@hashableAttrs class RepeatGroup: """This class can store the information about a group of measures which are repeated. """ measureHeaders: List['MeasureHeader'] = attr.Factory(list) closings: List['MeasureHeader'] = attr.Factory(list) openings: List['MeasureHeader'] = attr.Factory(list) isClosed: bool = False def addMeasureHeader(self, h): if not len(self.openings): self.openings.append(h) self.measureHeaders.append(h) h.repeatGroup = self if h.repeatClose > 0: self.closings.append(h) self.isClosed = True # A new item after the header was closed? -> repeat alternative # reopens the group elif self.isClosed: self.isClosed = False self.openings.append(h)
@hashableAttrs class Clipboard: startMeasure: int = 1 stopMeasure: int = 1 startTrack: int = 1 stopTrack: int = 1 startBeat: int = 1 stopBeat: int = 1 subBarCopy: bool = False
[docs]class KeySignature(Enum): FMajorFlat = (-8, 0) CMajorFlat = (-7, 0) GMajorFlat = (-6, 0) DMajorFlat = (-5, 0) AMajorFlat = (-4, 0) EMajorFlat = (-3, 0) BMajorFlat = (-2, 0) FMajor = (-1, 0) CMajor = (0, 0) GMajor = (1, 0) DMajor = (2, 0) AMajor = (3, 0) EMajor = (4, 0) BMajor = (5, 0) FMajorSharp = (6, 0) CMajorSharp = (7, 0) GMajorSharp = (8, 0) DMinorFlat = (-8, 1) AMinorFlat = (-7, 1) EMinorFlat = (-6, 1) BMinorFlat = (-5, 1) FMinor = (-4, 1) CMinor = (-3, 1) GMinor = (-2, 1) DMinor = (-1, 1) AMinor = (0, 1) EMinor = (1, 1) BMinor = (2, 1) FMinorSharp = (3, 1) CMinorSharp = (4, 1) GMinorSharp = (5, 1) DMinorSharp = (6, 1) AMinorSharp = (7, 1) EMinorSharp = (8, 1)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class LyricLine: """A lyrics line.""" startingMeasure: int = 1 lyrics: str = ''
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class Lyrics: """A collection of lyrics lines for a track.""" trackChoice: int = 0 lines: Optional[List[LyricLine]] = None maxLineCount = 5 def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.lines is None: self.lines = [] for _ in range(Lyrics.maxLineCount): self.lines.append(LyricLine()) def __str__(self): full = '' for line in self.lines: if line is not None: full += line.lyrics + '\n' ret = full.strip() ret = ret.replace('\n', ' ') ret = ret.replace('\r', ' ') return ret
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Point: """A point construct using integer coordinates.""" x: int y: int
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Padding: """A padding construct.""" right: int top: int left: int bottom: int
[docs]class HeaderFooterElements(IntEnum): """An enumeration of the elements which can be shown in the header and footer of a rendered song sheet. All values can be combined using bit-operators as they are flags. """ none = 0x000 title = 0x001 subtitle = 0x002 artist = 0x004 album = 0x008 words = 0x010 music = 0x020 wordsAndMusic = 0x040 copyright = 0x080 pageNumber = 0x100 all = title | subtitle | artist | album | words | music | wordsAndMusic | copyright | pageNumber
[docs]@hashableAttrs class PageSetup: """The page setup describes how the document is rendered. Page setup contains page size, margins, paddings, and how the title elements are rendered. Following template vars are available for defining the page texts: - ``%title%``: will be replaced with Song.title - ``%subtitle%``: will be replaced with Song.subtitle - ``%artist%``: will be replaced with Song.artist - ``%album%``: will be replaced with Song.album - ``%words%``: will be replaced with Song.words - ``%music%``: will be replaced with - ``%WORDSANDMUSIC%``: will be replaced with the according word and music values - ``%copyright%``: will be replaced with Song.copyright - ``%N%``: will be replaced with the current page number (if supported by layout) - ``%P%``: will be replaced with the number of pages (if supported by layout) """ pageSize: Point = Point(210, 297) pageMargin: Padding = Padding(10, 15, 10, 10) scoreSizeProportion: float = 1.0 headerAndFooter: HeaderFooterElements = HeaderFooterElements.all title: str = '%title%' subtitle: str = '%subtitle%' artist: str = '%artist%' album: str = '%album%' words: str = 'Words by %words%' music: str = 'Music by %music%' wordsAndMusic: str = 'Words & Music by %WORDSMUSIC%' copyright: str = 'Copyright %copyright%\nAll Rights Reserved - International Copyright Secured' pageNumber: str = 'Page %N%/%P%'
[docs]@hashableAttrs class RSEEqualizer: """Equalizer found in master effect and track effect. Attribute :attr:`RSEEqualizer.knobs` is a list of values in range from -6.0 to 5.9. Master effect has 10 knobs, track effect has 3 knobs. Gain is a value in range from -6.0 to 5.9 which can be found in both master and track effects and is named as "PRE" in Guitar Pro 5. """ knobs: List[float] = attr.Factory(list) gain: float = attr.ib(default=0.0)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class RSEMasterEffect: """Master effect as seen in "Score information".""" volume: float = 0 reverb: float = 0 equalizer: RSEEqualizer = attr.Factory(RSEEqualizer) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.equalizer.knobs: self.equalizer.knobs = [0.0] * 10
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class Song: """The top-level node of the song model. It contains basic information about the stored song. """ # TODO: Store file format version here versionTuple: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = attr.ib(default=None, hash=False, eq=False) clipboard: Optional[Clipboard] = None title: str = '' subtitle: str = '' artist: str = '' album: str = '' words: str = '' music: str = '' copyright: str = '' tab: str = '' instructions: str = '' notice: List[str] = attr.Factory(list) lyrics: Lyrics = attr.Factory(Lyrics) pageSetup: PageSetup = attr.Factory(PageSetup) tempoName: str = 'Moderate' tempo: int = 120 hideTempo: bool = False key: KeySignature = KeySignature.CMajor measureHeaders: List['MeasureHeader'] = None tracks: List['Track'] = None masterEffect: RSEMasterEffect = attr.Factory(RSEMasterEffect) _currentRepeatGroup: RepeatGroup = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(RepeatGroup), hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.measureHeaders is None: self.measureHeaders = [MeasureHeader()] if self.tracks is None: self.tracks = [Track(self)] def addMeasureHeader(self, header): = self self.measureHeaders.append(header) # if the group is closed only the next upcoming header can # reopen the group in case of a repeat alternative, so we remove # the current group if header.isRepeatOpen or self._currentRepeatGroup.isClosed and header.repeatAlternative <= 0: self._currentRepeatGroup = RepeatGroup() self._currentRepeatGroup.addMeasureHeader(header) def newMeasure(self): for track in self.tracks: measure = Measure(track) track.measures.append(measure)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class MidiChannel: """A MIDI channel describes playing data for a track.""" channel: int = 0 effectChannel: int = 1 instrument: int = 25 volume: int = 104 balance: int = 64 chorus: int = 0 reverb: int = 0 phaser: int = 0 tremolo: int = 0 bank: int = 0 DEFAULT_PERCUSSION_CHANNEL = 9 @property def isPercussionChannel(self): return % 16 == self.DEFAULT_PERCUSSION_CHANNEL
[docs]@hashableAttrs class DirectionSign: """A navigation sign like *Coda* or *Segno*.""" # TODO: Consider making DirectionSign an Enum. name: str = ''
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Tuplet: """A *n:m* tuplet.""" enters: int = 1 times: int = 1 supportedTuplets = [ (1, 1), (3, 2), (5, 4), (6, 4), (7, 4), (9, 8), (10, 8), (11, 8), (12, 8), (13, 8), ] def convertTime(self, time): result = Fraction(time * self.times, self.enters) if result.denominator == 1: return result.numerator return result def isSupported(self): return (self.enters, self.times) in self.supportedTuplets @classmethod def fromFraction(cls, frac): return cls(frac.denominator, frac.numerator)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Duration: """A duration.""" quarterTime = 960 whole = 1 half = 2 quarter = 4 eighth = 8 sixteenth = 16 thirtySecond = 32 sixtyFourth = 64 hundredTwentyEighth = 128 # The time resulting with a 64th note and a 3/2 tuplet minTime = int(int(quarterTime * (4 / sixtyFourth)) * 2 / 3) value: int = quarter isDotted: bool = False tuplet: Tuplet = attr.Factory(Tuplet) @property def time(self): result = int(self.quarterTime * (4.0 / self.value)) if self.isDotted: result += int(result / 2) return self.tuplet.convertTime(result) @property def index(self): index = 0 value = self.value while True: value = (value >> 1) if value > 0: index += 1 else: break return index @classmethod def fromTime(cls, time): timeFrac = Fraction(time, cls.quarterTime * 4) exp = int(log(timeFrac, 2)) value = 2 ** -exp tuplet = Tuplet.fromFraction(timeFrac * value) isDotted = False if not tuplet.isSupported(): # Check if it's dotted timeFrac = Fraction(time, cls.quarterTime * 4) * Fraction(2, 3) exp = int(log(timeFrac, 2)) value = 2 ** -exp tuplet = Tuplet.fromFraction(timeFrac * value) isDotted = True if not tuplet.isSupported(): raise ValueError('cannot represent time {} as a Guitar Pro duration'.format(time)) return Duration(value, isDotted, tuplet)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class TimeSignature: """A time signature.""" numerator: int = 4 denominator: Duration = attr.Factory(Duration) beams: List[int] = attr.Factory(list) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.beams: self.beams = [2, 2, 2, 2]
[docs]class TripletFeel(Enum): """An enumeration of different triplet feels.""" #: No triplet feel. none = 0 #: Eighth triplet feel. eighth = 1 #: Sixteenth triplet feel. sixteenth = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class MeasureHeader: """A measure header contains metadata for measures over multiple tracks. """ number: int = attr.ib(default=1, hash=False, eq=False) start: int = attr.ib(default=Duration.quarterTime, hash=False, eq=False) hasDoubleBar: bool = False keySignature: KeySignature = KeySignature.CMajor timeSignature: TimeSignature = attr.Factory(TimeSignature) marker: Optional['Marker'] = None isRepeatOpen: bool = False repeatAlternative: int = 0 repeatClose: int = -1 tripletFeel: TripletFeel = TripletFeel.none direction: Optional[DirectionSign] = None fromDirection: Optional[DirectionSign] = None @property def length(self): return self.timeSignature.numerator * self.timeSignature.denominator.time @property def end(self): return self.start + self.length
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Color: """An RGB Color.""" r: int g: int b: int = Color(0, 0, 0) = Color(255, 0, 0)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Marker: """A marker annotation for beats.""" title: str = 'Section' color: Color =
[docs]@hashableAttrs class TrackSettings: """Settings of the track.""" tablature: bool = True notation: bool = True diagramsAreBelow: bool = False showRhythm: bool = False forceHorizontal: bool = False forceChannels: bool = False diagramList: bool = True diagramsInScore: bool = False autoLetRing: bool = False autoBrush: bool = False extendRhythmic: bool = False
[docs]class Accentuation(Enum): """Values of auto-accentuation on the beat found in track RSE settings. """ #: No auto-accentuation. none = 0 #: Very soft accentuation. verySoft = 1 #: Soft accentuation. soft = 2 #: Medium accentuation. medium = 3 #: Strong accentuation. strong = 4 #: Very strong accentuation. veryStrong = 5
@hashableAttrs class RSEInstrument: instrument: int = -1 unknown: int = -1 soundBank: int = -1 effectNumber: int = -1 effectCategory: str = '' effect: str = '' @hashableAttrs(repr=False) class TrackRSE: instrument: RSEInstrument = attr.Factory(RSEInstrument) equalizer: RSEEqualizer = attr.Factory(RSEEqualizer) humanize: int = 0 autoAccentuation: Accentuation = Accentuation.none def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.equalizer.knobs: self.equalizer.knobs = [0.0] * 3
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class Track: """A track contains multiple measures.""" song: Song = attr.ib(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) number: int = attr.ib(default=1, hash=False, eq=False) fretCount: int = 24 offset: int = 0 isPercussionTrack: bool = False is12StringedGuitarTrack: bool = False isBanjoTrack: bool = False isVisible: bool = True isSolo: bool = False isMute: bool = False indicateTuning: bool = False name: str = 'Track 1' measures: List['Measure'] = None strings: List['GuitarString'] = None port: int = 1 channel: MidiChannel = attr.Factory(MidiChannel) color: Color = settings: TrackSettings = attr.Factory(TrackSettings) useRSE: bool = False rse: TrackRSE = attr.Factory(TrackRSE) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.strings is None: self.strings = [GuitarString(n, v) for n, v in [(1, 64), (2, 59), (3, 55), (4, 50), (5, 45), (6, 40)]] if self.measures is None: self.measures = [Measure(self, header) for header in]
[docs]@hashableAttrs class GuitarString: """A guitar string with a special tuning.""" number: int value: int def __str__(self): notes = 'C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B'.split() octave, semitone = divmod(self.value, 12) return '{note}{octave}'.format(note=notes[semitone], octave=octave-1)
[docs]class MeasureClef(Enum): """An enumeration of available clefs.""" treble = 0 bass = 1 tenor = 2 alto = 3
[docs]class LineBreak(Enum): """A line break directive.""" #: No line break. none = 0 #: Break line. break_ = 1 #: Protect the line from breaking. protect = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class Measure: """A measure contains multiple voices of beats.""" track: Track = attr.ib(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) header: MeasureHeader = attr.ib(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) clef: MeasureClef = MeasureClef.treble voices: List['Voice'] = None lineBreak: LineBreak = LineBreak.none maxVoices = 2 def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.voices is None: self.voices = [] for _ in range(self.maxVoices): voice = Voice(self) self.voices.append(voice) @property def isEmpty(self): return all(voice.isEmpty for voice in self.voices) def _promote_header_attr(name): def fget(self): return getattr(self.header, name) def fset(self, value): setattr(self.header, name, value) return property(fget, fset) number = _promote_header_attr('number') keySignature = _promote_header_attr('keySignature') repeatClose = _promote_header_attr('repeatClose') start = _promote_header_attr('start') end = _promote_header_attr('end') length = _promote_header_attr('length') timeSignature = _promote_header_attr('timeSignature') isRepeatOpen = _promote_header_attr('isRepeatOpen') tripletFeel = _promote_header_attr('tripletFeel') marker = _promote_header_attr('marker') del _promote_header_attr
[docs]class VoiceDirection(Enum): """Voice directions indicating the direction of beams.""" none = 0 up = 1 down = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class Voice: """A voice contains multiple beats.""" measure: Measure = attr.ib(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) beats: List['Beat'] = attr.Factory(list) direction: VoiceDirection = VoiceDirection.none @property def isEmpty(self): return len( == 0
[docs]class BeatStrokeDirection(Enum): """All beat stroke directions.""" none = 0 up = 1 down = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs class BeatStroke: """A stroke effect for beats.""" direction: BeatStrokeDirection = BeatStrokeDirection.none value: int = 0 def swapDirection(self): if self.direction == BeatStrokeDirection.up: direction = BeatStrokeDirection.down elif self.direction == BeatStrokeDirection.down: direction = BeatStrokeDirection.up return BeatStroke(direction, self.value)
[docs]class SlapEffect(Enum): """Characteristic of articulation.""" #: No slap effect. none = 0 #: Tapping. tapping = 1 #: Slapping. slapping = 2 #: Popping. popping = 3
[docs]@hashableAttrs class BeatEffect: """This class contains all beat effects.""" stroke: BeatStroke = attr.Factory(BeatStroke) hasRasgueado: bool = False pickStroke: BeatStrokeDirection = BeatStrokeDirection.none chord: Optional['Chord'] = None fadeIn: bool = False tremoloBar: Optional['BendEffect'] = None mixTableChange: Optional['MixTableChange'] = None slapEffect: SlapEffect = SlapEffect.none vibrato: bool = False @property def isChord(self): return self.chord is not None @property def isTremoloBar(self): return self.tremoloBar is not None @property def isSlapEffect(self): return self.slapEffect != SlapEffect.none @property def hasPickStroke(self): return self.pickStroke != BeatStrokeDirection.none @property def isDefault(self): default = BeatEffect() return (self.stroke == default.stroke and self.hasRasgueado == default.hasRasgueado and self.pickStroke == default.pickStroke and self.fadeIn == default.fadeIn and self.vibrato == default.vibrato and self.tremoloBar == default.tremoloBar and self.slapEffect == default.slapEffect)
[docs]class TupletBracket(Enum): none = 0 start = 1 end = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs class BeatDisplay: """Parameters of beat display.""" breakBeam: bool = False forceBeam: bool = False beamDirection: VoiceDirection = VoiceDirection.none tupletBracket: TupletBracket = TupletBracket.none breakSecondary: int = 0 breakSecondaryTuplet: bool = False forceBracket: bool = False
[docs]class Octave(Enum): """Octave signs.""" none = 0 ottava = 1 quindicesima = 2 ottavaBassa = 3 quindicesimaBassa = 4
[docs]class BeatStatus(Enum): empty = 0 normal = 1 rest = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class Beat: """A beat contains multiple notes.""" voice: Voice = attr.ib(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) notes: List['Note'] = attr.Factory(list) duration: Duration = attr.Factory(Duration) text: Optional[str] = None start: Optional[int] = attr.ib(default=None, hash=False, eq=False) effect: BeatEffect = attr.Factory(BeatEffect) octave: Octave = Octave.none display: BeatDisplay = attr.Factory(BeatDisplay) status: BeatStatus = BeatStatus.empty @property def startInMeasure(self): offset = self.start - self.voice.measure.start return offset @property def hasVibrato(self): for note in self.notes: if note.effect.vibrato: return True return False @property def hasHarmonic(self): for note in self.notes: if note.effect.isHarmonic: return note.effect.harmonic
[docs]@hashableAttrs class HarmonicEffect: """A harmonic note effect.""" type: int = attr.ib(init=False)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class NaturalHarmonic(HarmonicEffect): def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.type = 1
[docs]@hashableAttrs class ArtificialHarmonic(HarmonicEffect): pitch: Optional['PitchClass'] = None octave: Optional[int] = None def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.type = 2
[docs]@hashableAttrs class TappedHarmonic(HarmonicEffect): fret: Optional[int] = None def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.type = 3
[docs]@hashableAttrs class PinchHarmonic(HarmonicEffect): def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.type = 4
[docs]@hashableAttrs class SemiHarmonic(HarmonicEffect): def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.type = 5
[docs]class GraceEffectTransition(Enum): """All transition types for grace notes.""" #: No transition. none = 0 #: Slide from the grace note to the real one. slide = 1 #: Perform a bend from the grace note to the real one. bend = 2 #: Perform a hammer on. hammer = 3
[docs]class Velocities: """A collection of velocities / dynamics.""" minVelocity = 15 velocityIncrement = 16 pianoPianissimo = minVelocity pianissimo = minVelocity + velocityIncrement piano = minVelocity + velocityIncrement * 2 mezzoPiano = minVelocity + velocityIncrement * 3 mezzoForte = minVelocity + velocityIncrement * 4 forte = minVelocity + velocityIncrement * 5 fortissimo = minVelocity + velocityIncrement * 6 forteFortissimo = minVelocity + velocityIncrement * 7 default = forte
[docs]@hashableAttrs class GraceEffect: """A grace note effect.""" duration: int = 1 fret: int = 0 isDead: bool = False isOnBeat: bool = False transition: GraceEffectTransition = GraceEffectTransition.none velocity: int = Velocities.default @property def durationTime(self): """Get the duration of the effect.""" return int(Duration.quarterTime / 16 * self.duration)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class TrillEffect: """A trill effect.""" fret: int = 0 duration: Duration = attr.Factory(Duration)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class TremoloPickingEffect: """A tremolo picking effect.""" duration: Duration = attr.Factory(Duration)
[docs]class SlideType(Enum): """An enumeration of all supported slide types.""" intoFromAbove = -2 intoFromBelow = -1 none = 0 shiftSlideTo = 1 legatoSlideTo = 2 outDownwards = 3 outUpwards = 4
[docs]class Fingering(LenientEnum): """Left and right hand fingering used in tabs and chord diagram editor. """ #: Open or muted. open = -1 #: Thumb. thumb = 0 #: Index finger. index = 1 #: Middle finger. middle = 2 #: Annular finger. annular = 3 #: Little finger. little = 4
[docs]@hashableAttrs(repr=False) class NoteEffect: """Contains all effects which can be applied to one note.""" accentuatedNote: bool = False bend: Optional['BendEffect'] = None ghostNote: bool = False grace: Optional[GraceEffect] = None hammer: bool = False harmonic: Optional[HarmonicEffect] = None heavyAccentuatedNote: bool = False leftHandFinger: Fingering = letRing: bool = False palmMute: bool = False rightHandFinger: Fingering = slides: List[SlideType] = attr.Factory(list) staccato: bool = False tremoloPicking: Optional[TremoloPickingEffect] = None trill: Optional[TrillEffect] = None vibrato: bool = False @property def isBend(self): return self.bend is not None and len(self.bend.points) @property def isHarmonic(self): return self.harmonic is not None @property def isGrace(self): return self.grace is not None @property def isTrill(self): return self.trill is not None @property def isTremoloPicking(self): return self.tremoloPicking is not None @property def isFingering(self): return (self.leftHandFinger.value > -1 or self.rightHandFinger.value > -1) @property def isDefault(self): default = NoteEffect() return (self.leftHandFinger == default.leftHandFinger and self.rightHandFinger == default.rightHandFinger and self.bend == default.bend and self.harmonic == default.harmonic and self.grace == default.grace and self.trill == default.trill and self.tremoloPicking == default.tremoloPicking and self.vibrato == default.vibrato and self.slides == default.slides and self.hammer == default.hammer and self.palmMute == default.palmMute and self.staccato == default.staccato and self.letRing == default.letRing)
[docs]class NoteType(LenientEnum): rest = 0 normal = 1 tie = 2 dead = 3
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Note: """Describes a single note.""" beat: Beat = attr.ib(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False) value: int = 0 velocity: int = Velocities.default string: int = 0 effect: NoteEffect = attr.Factory(NoteEffect) durationPercent: float = 1.0 swapAccidentals: bool = False type: NoteType = @property def realValue(self): return self.value + self.beat.voice.measure.track.strings[self.string - 1].value
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Chord: """A chord annotation for beats.""" length: int sharp: Optional[bool] = None root: Optional['PitchClass'] = None type: Optional['ChordType'] = None extension: Optional['ChordExtension'] = None bass: Optional['PitchClass'] = None tonality: Optional['ChordAlteration'] = None add: Optional[bool] = None name: str = '' fifth: Optional['ChordAlteration'] = None ninth: Optional['ChordAlteration'] = None eleventh: Optional['ChordAlteration'] = None firstFret: Optional[int] = None strings: List[int] = attr.Factory(list) barres: List['Barre'] = attr.Factory(list) omissions: List[bool] = attr.Factory(list) fingerings: List[Fingering] = attr.Factory(list) show: Optional[bool] = None newFormat: Optional[bool] = None def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.strings = [-1] * self.length @property def notes(self): return [string for string in self.strings if string >= 0]
[docs]class ChordType(LenientEnum): """Type of the chord.""" #: Major chord. major = 0 #: Dominant seventh chord. seventh = 1 #: Major seventh chord. majorSeventh = 2 #: Add sixth chord. sixth = 3 #: Minor chord. minor = 4 #: Minor seventh chord. minorSeventh = 5 #: Minor major seventh chord. minorMajor = 6 #: Minor add sixth chord. minorSixth = 7 #: Suspended second chord. suspendedSecond = 8 #: Suspended fourth chord. suspendedFourth = 9 #: Seventh suspended second chord. seventhSuspendedSecond = 10 #: Seventh suspended fourth chord. seventhSuspendedFourth = 11 #: Diminished chord. diminished = 12 #: Augmented chord. augmented = 13 #: Power chord. power = 14
[docs]@hashableAttrs class Barre: """A single barre. :param start: first string from the bottom of the barre. :param end: last string on the top of the barre. """ fret: int start: int = 0 end: int = 0 @property def range(self): return self.start, self.end
[docs]class ChordAlteration(Enum): """Tonality of the chord.""" #: Perfect. perfect = 0 #: Diminished. diminished = 1 #: Augmented. augmented = 2
[docs]class ChordExtension(LenientEnum): """Extension type of the chord.""" #: No extension. none = 0 #: Ninth chord. ninth = 1 #: Eleventh chord. eleventh = 2 #: Thirteenth chord. thirteenth = 3
[docs]@hashableAttrs class PitchClass: """A pitch class. Constructor provides several overloads. Each overload provides keyword argument *intonation* that may be either "sharp" or "flat". First of overloads is (tone, accidental): :param tone: integer of whole-tone. :param accidental: flat (-1), none (0) or sharp (1). >>> p = PitchClass(4, -1) >>> p PitchClass(just=4, accidental=-1, value=3, intonation='flat') >>> print(p) Eb >>> p = PitchClass(4, -1, intonation='sharp') >>> p PitchClass(just=4, accidental=-1, value=3, intonation='sharp') >>> print(p) D# Second, semitone number can be directly passed to constructor: :param semitone: integer of semitone. >>> p = PitchClass(3) >>> print(p) Eb >>> p = PitchClass(3, intonation='sharp') >>> print(p) D# And last, but not least, note name: :param name: string representing note. >>> p = PitchClass('D#') >>> print(p) D# """ just: Union[str, int] accidental: Optional[int] = None value: Optional[int] = None intonation: Optional[str] = None _notes = { 'sharp': 'C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B'.split(), 'flat': 'C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B'.split(), } def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.accidental is None: if isinstance(self.just, str): # Assume string input string = self.just try: value = self._notes['sharp'].index(string) except ValueError: value = self._notes['flat'].index(string) elif isinstance(self.just, int): value = self.just % 12 try: string = self._notes['sharp'][value] except KeyError: string = self._notes['flat'][value] if string.endswith('b'): accidental = -1 elif string.endswith('#'): accidental = 1 else: accidental = 0 pitch = value - accidental else: pitch, accidental = self.just, self.accidental self.just = pitch % 12 self.accidental = accidental self.value = self.just + accidental if self.intonation is None: if accidental == -1: self.intonation = 'flat' else: self.intonation = 'sharp' def __str__(self): return self._notes[self.intonation][self.value]
[docs]@hashableAttrs class MixTableItem: """A mix table item describes a mix parameter, e.g. volume or reverb. """ value: int = 0 duration: int = 0 allTracks: bool = False
@hashableAttrs class WahEffect: value: int = attr.ib(default=-1) display: bool = False @value.validator def checkValue(self, attrib, value): if not -2 <= value <= 100: raise ValueError('value must be in range from -2 to 100') def isOff(self): return self.value == def isNone(self): return self.value == WahEffect.none.value def isOn(self): return 0 <= self.value <= 100 = WahEffect(-2) WahEffect.none = WahEffect(-1)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class MixTableChange: """A MixTableChange describes a change in mix parameters.""" instrument: Optional[MixTableItem] = None rse: RSEInstrument = attr.Factory(RSEInstrument) volume: Optional[MixTableItem] = None balance: Optional[MixTableItem] = None chorus: Optional[MixTableItem] = None reverb: Optional[MixTableItem] = None phaser: Optional[MixTableItem] = None tremolo: Optional[MixTableItem] = None tempoName: str = '' tempo: Optional[MixTableItem] = None hideTempo: bool = True wah: Optional[WahEffect] = None useRSE: bool = False @property def isJustWah(self): return (self.instrument is None and self.volume is None and self.balance is None and self.chorus is None and self.reverb is None and self.phaser is None and self.tremolo is None and self.tempo is None and self.wah is not None)
[docs]class BendType(Enum): """All Bend presets.""" #: No Preset. none = 0 # Bends # ===== #: A simple bend. bend = 1 #: A bend and release afterwards. bendRelease = 2 #: A bend, then release and rebend. bendReleaseBend = 3 #: Prebend. prebend = 4 #: Prebend and then release. prebendRelease = 5 # Tremolo Bar # =========== #: Dip the bar down and then back up. dip = 6 #: Dive the bar. dive = 7 #: Release the bar up. releaseUp = 8 #: Dip the bar up and then back down. invertedDip = 9 #: Return the bar. return_ = 10 #: Release the bar down. releaseDown = 11
[docs]@hashableAttrs class BendPoint: """A single point within the BendEffect.""" position: int = 0 value: int = 0 vibrato: bool = False
[docs] def getTime(self, duration): """Gets the exact time when the point need to be played (MIDI). :param duration: the full duration of the effect. """ return int(duration * self.position / BendEffect.maxPosition)
[docs]@hashableAttrs class BendEffect: """This effect is used to describe string bends and tremolo bars.""" type: BendType = BendType.none value: int = 0 points: List[BendPoint] = attr.Factory(list) #: The note offset per bend point offset. semitoneLength = 1 #: The max position of the bend points (x axis) maxPosition = 12 #: The max value of the bend points (y axis) maxValue = semitoneLength * 12