Source code for

import os

from .iobase import GPFileBase
from .gp3 import GP3File
from .gp4 import GP4File
from .gp5 import GP5File
from .models import GPException, Song

__all__ = ('parse', 'write')

    'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v3.00': ((3, 0, 0), GP3File),

    'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v4.00': ((4, 0, 0), GP4File),
    'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v4.06': ((4, 0, 6), GP4File),
    'FICHIER GUITAR PRO L4.06': ((4, 0, 6), GP4File),
    'CLIPBOARD GUITAR PRO 4.0 [c6]': ((4, 0, 6), GP4File),

    'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v5.00': ((5, 0, 0), GP5File),
    'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v5.10': ((5, 1, 0), GP5File),
    'CLIPBOARD GP 5.0': ((5, 0, 0), GP5File),
    'CLIPBOARD GP 5.1': ((5, 1, 0), GP5File),
    'CLIPBOARD GP 5.2': ((5, 2, 0), GP5File),

    # (versionTuple, isClipboard): versionString,
    ((3, 0, 0), False): 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v3.00',

    ((4, 0, 0), False): 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v4.00',
    ((4, 0, 6), False): 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v4.06',
    ((4, 0, 6), True): 'CLIPBOARD GUITAR PRO 4.0 [c6]',

    ((5, 0, 0), False): 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v5.00',
    ((5, 1, 0), False): 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v5.10',
    ((5, 2, 0), False): 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v5.10',  # sic
    ((5, 0, 0), True): 'CLIPBOARD GP 5.0',
    ((5, 1, 0), True): 'CLIPBOARD GP 5.1',
    ((5, 2, 0), True): 'CLIPBOARD GP 5.2',

    'gp3': (3, 0, 0),
    'gp4': (4, 0, 6),
    'gp5': (5, 1, 0),
    'tmp': (5, 2, 0),

[docs]def parse(stream, encoding='cp1252') -> Song: """Open a GP file and read its contents. :param stream: path to a GP file or file-like object. :param encoding: decode strings in tablature using this charset. Given encoding must be an 8-bit charset. """ gpfile, shouldClose = _open(None, stream, 'rb', encoding=encoding) try: return gpfile.readSong() finally: if shouldClose: gpfile.close()
[docs]def write(song, stream, version=None, encoding='cp1252'): """Write a song into GP file. :param song: a song to write. :type song: guitarpro.models.Song :param stream: path to save GP file or file-like object. :param version: explicitly set version of GP file to save, e.g. ``(5, 1, 0)``. :type version: tuple :param encoding: encode strings into given 8-bit charset. """ gpfile, shouldClose = _open(song, stream, 'wb', version=version, encoding=encoding) try: gpfile.writeSong(song) finally: if shouldClose: gpfile.close()
def _open(song, stream, mode='rb', version=None, encoding=None): """Open a GP file path for reading or writing.""" if mode not in ('rb', 'wb'): raise ValueError("cannot read or write unless in binary mode, not '%s'" % mode) shouldClose = False if isinstance(stream, str): fp = open(stream, mode) shouldClose = True filename = stream else: fp = stream filename = getattr(fp, 'name', '<file>') if mode == 'rb': gpfilebase = GPFileBase(fp, encoding) versionString = gpfilebase.readVersion() elif mode == 'wb': isClipboard = song.clipboard is not None if version is None: version = song.versionTuple if version is None: version = guessVersionByExtension(filename) versionString = _VERSIONS[(version, isClipboard)] version, GPFile = getVersionAndGPFile(versionString) gpfile = GPFile(fp, encoding, version=versionString, versionTuple=version) return gpfile, shouldClose def getVersionAndGPFile(versionString): try: return _GPFILES[versionString] except KeyError: raise GPException("unsupported version '%s'" % versionString) def guessVersionByExtension(filename): __, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) ext = ext.lstrip('.') version = _EXT_VERSIONS.get(ext) if version is None: version = _EXT_VERSIONS['gp5'] return version