Quickstart ========== After the package has been installed, it's ready for hacking. Reading ``.gp*`` files is as easy as: .. code-block:: python import guitarpro demo = guitarpro.parse('Demo v5.gp5') Writing ``.gp*`` files isn't that hard as well: .. code-block:: python guitarpro.write(demo, 'Demo v5 2.gp5') All objects representing GP entities are hashable and comparable. This gives the great opportunity to apply *diff* algorithm to tabs, or even *diff3* algorithm to merge tablatures. The package is also designed to convert tablatures between formats. To do this, simply change extension of the output file according to your desired format: .. code-block:: python guitarpro.write(demo, 'Demo v5.gp4') Functions :func:`guitarpro.parse` and :func:`guitarpro.write` support not only filenames, but also file-like object: .. code-block:: python from urllib.request import urlopen with urlopen('https://github.com/Perlence/PyGuitarPro/raw/master/tests/Demo%20v5.gp5') as stream: demo = guitarpro.parse(stream) .. note:: PyGuitarPro supports only GP3, GP4 and GP5 files. Support for GPX (Guitar Pro 6) files is out of scope of the project. .. vim: tw=120 cc=121